I am what I am

September 11, 2010 § 4 Comments

Recently, I watched this movie ‘Dead poets society‘, a movie worthy of one’s time. Seriously. The concept would probably be quite familiar for most people. Our own, 3 idiots gets very close to DPS, and even … nope, could n’t recollect any other one.

So, Robbin Williams plays the role of a English teacher at a boarding school which is known for its academic excellence & discipline, etc. He is portrayed as a free thinker, someone who makes new ways for himself. The movie is about encouraging people to find their inner voice & revolutionize perceptions. I am not going to narrate the full story, but just one particular scene which was well shot & provoked me. Here it goes:

The topic for that day’s class is ‘conformity’. The teacher makes 3 students walk inside quadrangle, one behind the author. Initially they start off with different speeds & rhythm. After few seconds, their steps synchronize. Left, right, left, right… Each one of thee conformed their individual, independent rhythm to match with the other two, so that it looks uniform & good. This is exactly the lesson! 🙂 The teacher goes on to question, “why did the conformation happen?”. In the teacher’s own words, (addressing his students)

.. we all have a great need for acceptance. But you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own. Even though others may think them odd or unpopular …

When people find it difficult to be a rebel or when the going gets tough, they back down. Hmm. Very interesting thought. Why should you align your interests/thoughts with the global, national, societal, family interests? Where is the real YOU?

Arun Vallappan

Love of my life

September 10, 2010 § 2 Comments

It’s been a long time, since i posted something, 🙂 but last few months have been raising hell. just like that, shot in titanic, where the ship sails fine (for couple of hours) after hitting the glacier, in retrospect, things look quite!

neway, i just want to tell one thing! more often than not, we associate words & emotions with different people/places. like, say, i hear delhi or any part in north India, am tempted to think of college days or football, i would tend to remember my school days coz thats when i played it last (ok, shakira would also pop up 🙂 )

but, i guess there could be only one person who would come to mind when one hears anything related to love or feel a breezy evening, beautiful morning or get up in the middle of a night or watch an awesome movie, when all you want to do is just sit quiet with that person, may be hold hands, you could look in the eye…

It’s a beautiful feeling !

Arun Vallappan

Where Am I?

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